
The love on the front line internship program is a ministry of the church of Malisheve. 

Biblical training
Practical discipleship in ministry

Individuals go through hands on ministry training as part of a pioneering church plant in a muslim context. They are part of a team of missionaries led by the pastor, all using their differing gifts working together to glorify the Name of Christ. Each intern decides with the pastor the duration of the internship and goals during that time (usually from 6 months to a year).

Criteria in selecting interns:

Beginning with a recognizable call from God to serve Him, we look for the following character traits:
heart for ministry

Each intern describes, in writing, what they believe the Lord is calling him/her to do. Then their time in the internship will be spent learning and growing through various ministries in the church and either confirming the call of God upon their lives or seeing Him lead into another direction.

All interns raise their own support while serving in the program. This support comes mainly from Christians outside of Kosovo who believe in their mission and give toward their ministries.

If you are interested in supporting one of the interns below see the "JOIN US" page on this blog and if you would like to learn more about the internship program in the church of Malisheve please email pastor Jeff. (


1) Bylbyl Bytyqi

   I am Bylbyl Bytyqi. I am from the village of Krevaseri in the region of Malisheve. I am 23 years old and come from a family of 7 members. They are Christian. I don’t have parents (His parents both died of cancer, mother 4 years ago, father more than 10 years ago). I have been a Christian for 9 years. In the year 2006, God saved me through missionaries that came to my village. It was then that I saw a difference, a special love for people. I felt good good with them and little by little understood why they had love for people. This touched me and made seek more and then I knew that this love that they had was Christ.

   I found in grace in the eyes of the Lord. He grew me and made understand that only Jesus Christ can give you love for people. I come from the church of Malisheve. There I have grown and known the Lord. There I have grown in faith and known the love of Christ.

   And there the Lord has called me to serve. I am enrolled in Bible College and now serving in the internship program in my church, the fellowship of Malisheve. I believe God is calling me to serve the youth and children from our church and area.

   The vision of my heart is for the Word of God to go into many villages and my city to bring people to the knowledge of who Jesus really is.

   If you desire to invest with me in this vision through prayer and/or financial support, I am grateful to the Lord that you hold that desire. Only together we can go far.

   Thank you for your good understanding.

                                                                  2) Bisere Mazreku

   I am Bisere Mazreku from Malisheve, Kosovo. I have been from a Muslim family and I never heard about Jesus Christ because in my city everyone was muslim and there was no other religion. In the years 1998-99 we had a war in Kosovo with Serbia and it was very hard for my family because my dad was injured during the war. I personally had much fear of death. I knew that there was one God and that he created us. During the war, I prayed to God a lot. I had fear about where I was going to go after I die. Muslims say that only if you do good works you go to God. But God touched my heart during the war. Every time I prayed I felt peace in my heart. I am so glad that my family heard about Jesus and I am very thankful for this. So after the war was over some missionaries came. Then I started to go to their kids meeting and started to understand what Jesus did for me and how much He loves me, when I understood that He paid for my sin. Now I am delivered and I have much hope in God and I do not have fear about what is going to happen with my life because God is with me. Galatians 2:20 encourages me to live with Jesus in faith. John 3:16 encourages me that Jesus gave His life that people would not perish but have everlasting life. The Lord touched my heart especially concerning the women here most of which are closed up in their homes (rarely leaving the home for any reason). They don’t know much about the Lord and who He is. My desire is to serve through girls’ and women’s ministry in my church. I also want to serve in the church with other needs, including Children’s ministry.
   I have prayed to God that He would provide someone to support me if it is His will and He is calling me to serve in my church. I and my sister are the only providers for my family (widowed mother and two younger siblings). So I need an income for my family to support them. Thank you.


Current Interns:
Bylbyl Bytyqi
Bisere Mazreku

Graduated interns:
Urim Zogaj      (Current status:  Living and serving as a full time national pastor in Malisheve: see national worker page)

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